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Skin Nourishing Milk Bath
Customer Reviews
Skin Nourishing Milk Bath Customer Reviews

Where reviews refer to foods or cosmetic products, results may vary from person to person. Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Elemis. Some customer reviews originate from the or site.
Warning: comments in language other than English and less than 10 words will not be accepted.
Milk Bath
5This smells absolutely amazing and doesn't upset my hypersensitive over reactive skin - I will admit that I didn't follow the instructions but it made for a wonderful bath experience regardless
Skin milk bath
5Love this in the bath, but also as a body moisturiser as I have dry skin. Soft, smooth and long lasting and smells sooo good!
Bath milk
5OMG I first bought this on a recent cruise. It is simply beautiful. I use it on my face also,and since I suffer from psoriasis, it was totally amazing. It was totally soothing. So this product is very versatile If anyone has irradiated skin this is a product you need.
Skin nourishing milk bath
5I adore this product both in the bath or as a shower cream! It smells divine and the way my skin feels when I use it is amazing. Has been and will continue to be a fav!
Milk Moisturizer
5I have used this product as all over body moisturiser for many years. Smells absolutely divine & hydrates my very dry skin, so love Elemis products but this one of my favourites:)
Milk Bath
5Love this product use 1-2 capful in running bath water so good for sensitive skin. I use straight on any sunburnt skin amazing product!!
Milk Moisturizer
5I fell in love with this product when on a cruise many years ago & have used ever since. I adore the smell, use as a body moisturizer
Skin nourishing milk bath
5I have been using this product for more than 5 years now.Amazing as a soak for the bath.Amazing as a body lotion.I have also used this product on sun burn which it calms and is soothing.
Milk Bath
5It’s so gentle on my skin. I use it as a lotion and it never stings. My skin is very sensitive. I wish Elemis had more guidance on the multiple uses of their products.
Lovely smell
5Used this product for years. In the bath as a body lotion or a facial clenser when my skin is sore it is so gentle.
Skin Nourishing Milk Bath Customer Reviews
